Wednesday, 4 September 2019

5 things

We took these photos while down in Queenstown this year with Patina Photography. We kept waking up to gorgeous frosty mornings and decided to wake up early to take some photos amongst the frost and the mist around Lake Hayes before heading to Arrowtown for the day. Not only did we celebrate five years of marriage, becoming parents to our beautiful Arlo but we also celebrated being together for 12 years! We thought it would be fun to share five things that we have learnt about each other during this time.

Jessie about Jake:

1. Don’t get in his way in the kitchen! Jake is an incredible cook and it’s like having my very own Jamie Oliver. He can easily whip anything together even if there’s very little choice in the pantry. He somehow makes a masterpiece from it! I'm one of those cooks that needs a recipe and all the ingredients to make it. I love that he can cook because I love to eat and together we love hosting friends and family at our house. He is the cook and I am the host…dream team!

2. He can sing. Like really sing! You may already know this one if you have been following the blog for a while because he surprised me on our wedding day and sang me down the aisle. I was so astounded, as he normally doesn't sing in front of other people, so that was a very special moment. I love hearing him singing around the house…and when I find him singing to Arlo…it melts my heart.

3. He's a Hunter and Gatherer. Over the course of our marriage I have come to realise that every so often I need to let the hubby go be one with nature. I mean this guy would seriously live in the bush if he could, however Arlo and I much prefer the comforts of home. Jake really loves the outdoors and enjoys going on hikes, hunting, diving and camping.

4. He’s incredibly patient. And I am not! So we balance each other out. He thinks things through and doesn't often get upset. I think that’s why he makes such a good paramedic. You want someone who is cool, calm and collected when things start to go wrong. He's the man you want around when your not feeling well. There’s been quite a few times he has had to look after me and I always feel so grateful how patient and caring he is.

5. Techie guy! He always finds it funny how technophobic I am. I know you’re thinking, how can a girl with a blog be a technophobe? Well, it helps a lot when you have a techie husband. He's the one that sets up my phone, clears the laptop for space and puts our photos onto hard drives. He’s the one I call out to when Netflix isn't working! He even edits all the photos you see on this blog. It's definitely a team effort and exactly why it’s called Jessie & Jake!

Jake about Jessie:

1. Clean Freak! I can’t do anything without cleaning up immediately afterwards! Jessie has chilled a little since becoming super mum but after 12 years together I’m used to things being clean. It’s like she’s infected me with her OCD!

2. Jessie has an amazing eye for spatial awareness and is incredibly creative. I took her into my office a few months back and within five minutes she had plans to reorganise everything and now it looks ten times better. 

3. Why do you love me today? Jessie has asked me this question every, single, day since we’ve been together. It drives me nuts! But it’s also nice to take 30 seconds out to think about our relationship. Most of the time I answer with something stupid but every now & then I throw a goody in to keep her interested 🤣. 

4. Jessie would bankrupt us with online shopping if she could. I’ve found ASOS bags under the bed, hidden behind the wardrobe and finally cottoned onto the fact that at one stage she was having everything delivered to her office to hide it from me!

5. Jessie is NOT someone you want to hang with if you’re watching your weight. She can (and does) literally eat a lot (especially those no good carbs) and never puts on weight. Me, on the other hand only has to look at a burger and my belt gets tighter!

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